Receptor (Biochemistry)

membranas 2

Ion Channel / Cell Membrane / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Cell Biology / Molecular Biology

Matriz, Membrana y Pared Celular

Cell Membrane / Lipid / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Cell (Biology) / Carbohydrates


Receptor Antagonist / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Agonist / Ligand (Biochemistry) / Biochemistry

Fisiologia de La Membrana Celular

Membrane Potential / Cell Membrane / Action Potential / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Lipid Bilayer

Lamina 4

Receptor (Biochemistry) / Molecular Biophysics / Biochemistry / Structural Biology / Macromolecules

Membranas biológicas

Cell Membrane / Lipid Bilayer / Lipid / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Biophysics

Gating Mechanism of NMDA

Nmda Receptor / Ion Channel / Agonist / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Mutation


Receptor (Biochemistry) / Cell (Biology) / Genetics / Mitochondrion / Proteins

MCQ in Pharmacology

Receptor Antagonist / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Ligand (Biochemistry) / Pharmacokinetics / Bioavailability

Biología molecular avanzada III

Receptor (Biochemistry) / Small Interfering Rna / Methylation / Gene / Dna

05 Recett Di Membrana 3

Kinase / Proteins / Phosphorylation / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Neurophysiology

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Synapse / Neurotransmitter / Receptor (Biochemistry) / Neurochemistry / Neurophysiology


Receptor (Biochemistry) / Signal Transduction / Cell Membrane / Ion Channel / Hormone

Ljiljana Dosen-Micovic- Molecular modeling of fentanyl analogs

Docking (Molecular) / Ligand (Biochemistry) / Receptor Antagonist / Force Field (Chemistry) / Receptor (Biochemistry)

MCQ - Membranes

Cell Membrane / Hormone / Lipid / Lipid Bilayer / Receptor (Biochemistry)

Basic Pharmacology

Herbalism / Receptor Antagonist / Pharmaceutical Drug / Adverse Effect / Receptor (Biochemistry)
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